Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Mexican Hat Dance

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Mexican Hat Dance
Celebra el Cinco de Mayo con un jarabe tapatío



Students prepare to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and have a great time practicing the Mexican hat dance, “Jarabe tapatío”. It’s show time, but can the students dance the “Jarabe tapatío” without stepping on the hat?


An overview of the history and celebration of Cinco de Mayo with interesting and colorful photographs.


Each of the twenty four books in this collection dedicated to some of the most important holidays and festivities celebrated in the United States is the combination of two books in one. The first part is an engaging realistic fiction story beautifully illustrated by a diversity of illustrators. The second part is a non-fiction piece that explains the history and significance of the holiday or celebration. This second part is illustrated with bright and unique photographs that will allow children to witness the celebration.

The festivities addressed include:

For more details in the series and the values it presents see the series description: Series Stories to Celebrate / Cuentos para celebrar. There is also an individual page, like this, for each of the books in the series.

Lesson plans and questions to guide the Creative Reading Dialogue can be found on the SantillanaUSA website: www.santillanausa.com/cuentosparacelebrar.htm


There are two CDs with the readings of the twelve stories in English and two CDs with the readings of the twelve stories in Spanish.

The CDs will allow children to follow a professional reading aloud individually or in groups.

They can be beneficial to children learning a second language, whether English or Spanish, since they will be able to read the book in their stronger language and then listen to the recording in the second language, or vice versa.


Since I am one of the two authors of this book, I can share my side of the story. You can visit www.isabelcampoy.com to read what the other author has to say.

The celebration of Cinco de Mayo has by far transcended the important historical moment that inspired it, la Batalla de Puebla. Now it has become a celebration for all Latinos. We celebrate our identity, our characteristic cultural way of embracing universal values.

Isabel Campoy and I have great admiration for Benito Juárez, the Mexican leader that was able to insure the independence of México by defeating the French who had tried to impose a French emperor in México.

Benito Juárez, an indigenous boy of very humble origins grew up to be a defender of indigenous people and everyone in his country. We have expressed our admiration by writing his biography that can be found in the book Smiles or Sonrisas of the series Gateways to the Sun or Series Colección Puertas al sol.

The story for this book is inspired in the poem “Jarabe tapatío” from Corre al Coro Música amiga 4. This poem has been put to music by Suni Paz and can be found in the CD of the same name, also part of the Series Música amiga.

Many readers are intrigued about how two authors collaborate to write a book. If you share this curiosity you may enjoy reading how Isabel Campoy explains this experience in the chapter authored by her “Writing in Collaboration: One plus One is One or Two” in the book Alma Flor Ada and You, volume II published by Libraries Unlimited.


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